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Climb Ev’ry Mountain

Posted by on 2:09 am in Blog | 0 comments

Climb Ev’ry Mountain

“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, ‘til you find your dream..” – Rodgers & Hammerstein When I was a young lady, I inherited the Sound of Music soundtrack on vinyl. Of course, much like most of the world, I had already seen the movie a million times and knew all the songs before having access to them 24-7 in glorious, crackling, hi-fi sound.  The inspirational message of “Climb Ev’ry Mountain” was not wasted on me. I felt it in my heart, and I aspired to do just that in my life. Little did I know at that...

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Posted by on 2:09 am in Blog | 0 comments


Patience is a virtue.  This was an adage that I heard repeatedly while growing up.  Apparently, I didn’t have much of it. Truthfully, I was very impatient to grow up, but what child with the world ahead of them isn’t? Now that I am entering my old age, I want to be young again! I want to go back, slow things down and relish my youth. Alas, the sands of time slow down for no one.  Pepper for the most part, has the patience of a saint. She’s not fussed that she can’t get from one side of the room to the other fast enough to reach a toy before...

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Heart 2 Heart

Posted by on 2:07 am in Blog | 0 comments

Heart 2 Heart

You’re in the mall and you see a lady clearly struggling with her special needs child. What do you do? Do you stare? Do you scowl? Do you mistakenly blame her for terrible parenting? Do you feel sympathy? Do you feel her frustration? Do you feel her pain, disappointment and fear? If you’re reading this, I am guessing you are feeling the latter rather than the former. Thank God. And thank you. Go to her. Help her if you can. Tell her she’s doing all the right things. Most of all, tell her we’re all here for her. She’s not alone.  The other...

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Every girl can be a Princess

Posted by on 2:04 am in Blog | 0 comments

Every girl can be a Princess

Any dream can be… Our little Princess celebrated her third birthday back in October, and as you can see, she was treated to a very special cake. We enjoyed a watermelon cake with some added fruit embellishments. This was no ordinary cake.  This was a cake specially made by yours truly for our keto girl, and it was fit for a princess. When I last wrote, things were tough. We were in the midst of one of Pepper’s seizure clusters and were helplessly watching her slide down. It was more heartbreak than I could handle. I won’t lie, things...

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What goes up…

Posted by on 2:03 am in Blog | 0 comments

What goes up…

I don’t have to tell you the rest. I think you get the picture.  As I write this, my head is threatening to explode. Well if not my head, then definitely my tear ducts. You see, Pepper is lying on the floor right now in a deep un-wakeable sleep. She just had another seizure. Last night, little miss was up all night, fussing and crying and trying to get out of bed. This was after two days of intermittent seizure clusters. When Pepper is awake, Daddy and I are also awake. Neither one of us has slept much the past week, so emotions are running...

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Food, Glorious Food!!!

Posted by on 2:01 am in Blog | 0 comments

Food, Glorious Food!!!

Oh food! Wonderful food! Marvelous food! Glorious fooooooood!! (Thank you St. Basil’s Catholic Elementary School circa nineteen eighty-something for putting that song in my head forever) Now that I have your attention! Hi! Remember us? We haven’t left you. We’re still here. It’s been a while though, and for that I must apologize. Sorry to have left you hanging for six months. That wasn’t very nice of us.  But things have gotten a bit busy in our household. How have you been? I see you grew your hair out. It looks nice. I’ve missed you. I had...

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Marching On

Posted by on 1:59 am in Blog | 0 comments

Marching On

Can you believe that four months have passed since our last post? To all of our cherished friends and loved ones who have been checking for updates, I must apologize. The last few months have been madness in our house. Pure madness and a little bit of March madness too. Thank you for asking about us by telephone, text, email, mail, smoke signal, osmosis, and grapevine… However you got through to us, you did, and we hope you have all been well since we last spoke.  Since our last update, we celebrated Christmas, rang in the New Year,...

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Posted by on 1:58 am in Blog | 0 comments


In case you were hoping for ground-breaking news, I should start by clearing the air. These little sweethearts are all celebrating Pepper’s birthday. Though we would like to report being seizure free, this celebration was for another milestone. Pepper turned two on Thanksgiving weekend. In this photo, she is surrounded by her loved ones. I can tell you truthfully, that she really loves these characters.  She loves them so much, she fell asleep halfway through her party and stayed that way for 4.5 hours. She missed her cake, missed...

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Back of the Bus

Posted by on 1:57 am in Blog | 0 comments

Back of the Bus

It’s a bumpy ride at the back of the bus and no one knows that better than we do. We have been riding the back of the bus for while now. You must remember what it felt like to be at the back of the bus? No supervision, all noise and chaos. You can’t see the twists and turns and bumps and valleys ahead of you. It’s all surprises at the back of the bus and if you are not careful, you end up wearing your lunch.  Many people associate the back of the bus with segregation, isolation and rejection. The back of the bus is all those things as well....

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A little bit of Country…

Posted by on 1:55 am in Blog | 0 comments

A little bit of Country…

It has been exactly a month since we last posted, and as much as things have changed, so many things have remained the same.  Please let me get out my twangy guitar to regale you with my sorrowful song…  This month has been a bit of a jumble for us. I lost my job back in June, and though it was devastating and worrisome for me, I now have the mindset that it has given me the gift of time. I have finally been able to work on that house I was complaining about in the last blog. I have also been able to spend some time with my family,...

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